a day in the life

Bend, Oregon

So I wanted to post about my adventure to Bend sooner, but I came home to NO INTERNET. Had to live like a cavewoman for a few days…

But really, what did I do for entertainment before Netflix??

I knew being a flight attendant was going to be awesome, but on Sunday I got to experience just how awesome.

If you recall, I had a red eye back to Philly Sunday morning so I couldn’t get to sleep fast enough. Once I finally rose from the dead, I caught up with one of my roommates before starting to think about what I wanted to do with my first few days off. A ton of people were going to go back home for various reasons, but I was feeling spontaneous.

I thought back to when I ran into a classmate while waiting for the bus who had just returned from Portland. Suddenly it clicked (it was a rough few days getting back on a “normal” sleeping schedule, okay).


Madison and I have been talking about me coming up to see her for a whileeeeeee now so I texted her. She responded right away and we made plans, and I booked my flights all within the hour.

I know…What. Is. Life? Don’t worry, I’m thinking the same thing.

I flew out to Phoenix first before connecting to Redmond. Madison and her dad picked me up from the cute little airport and took me home with them.

Madison gave me a little tour of the house before we went upstairs, ice cream in hand while we caught up.

When we woke up the next morning it was to go get our workout on. After the tough, but necessary high intensity workout, I fully understood why I didn’t see any overweight people in Oregon….

 Next stop: coffee (one of Madison and I’s many shared loves). We went to the cutest little coffee place right around the corner called Thump Coffee. If you click on the link, go to locations, then select Bend. You’ll see a picture of the barista and above him all these thin pieces of wood (I think) hanging from the ceiling and each one is different. Their customers write or draw on them before they get displayed. So cool, and I even found the one Madison made!
After coffee, we got dressed and ready to explore downtown. The downtown area has an old-timey feel to it, and the weather was just right which made for the perfect day. We stopped in at the Deshutes Brewery tasting room for lunch and a beer – I’m not a beer person by any means, but Madison got the American Wheat Ale and I actually liked it.
After some window shopping Madison took me to the gorgeous Tumalo Falls (see instagram photo from my lifeonajumpseat profile if you don’t believe me). The hike to get up close and personal with the waterfall was a must for me, and Madison was the perfect tour guide (minus taking us on the wrong trail at first *insert wink*). We didn’t come prepared to do any crazy hiking, so after a mini photo shoot we head back to her house for dinner.
Later, we went back to into downtown for a drink at Velvet Lounge. The description couldn’t be any more sassy and accurate and I love it. Perfect ending to our long day!
Before heading back the next day we, of course, went for a walk in Shevlin Park. Now I am not all knowing on this area in any way, shape, or form, but where we walked is great if what you’re looking for is a flat hike. They have little picnic tables along the trails, which would be a perfect place for a quiet, scenic lunch date. Getting up and moving before sitting on a plane is always a great idea in my book. I’m sure any other flight attendants, or anyone who travels often can would agree (even better if you have a gorgeous place to do it!).
*Instagram caption inspiration= real life bumper sticker. LOL

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